Not everyone is cut out to live in a house on a studio lot, as they have their every action filmed in real time. In a game where “Expect the Unexpected” is the mantra, not having a grasp on a fan-favorite game can be a detriment. And if you’re ill-prepared, one night in theBig Brotherhouse can determine your entire trajectory. There are some players who are just unlucky. Then, incredibly lucky to be invited to play again…where luck is not on their side…again. Say hello to David Alexander.
Big Brother fans were first introduced to David Alexander in the twist-heavy season of Big Brother 21. His time in the game was quite dismal. And yet, when the show opted for an All-Star season the following year, somehow, David was given another key to the BB house. For a player who has played the game twice, David Alexander just happens to be one of the weakest individuals, because nothing ever could go right for him.
10 David Enters ‘Big Brother 21’ Barely Ever Seeing the Show
When it comes to shows like Big Brother, the casting pool is quite vast. Because this is a television show, there may be a certain type of individual who is cast to fit the needs of the season’s make-up. Sometimes, those individuals aren’t super fans or even casuals. Sometimes, they’re known as “recruits.”
Now, David Alexander may not exactly be one of those types of players, but his knowledge of the game was quite limited. Prior to his entry into the Big Brother 21 house, he had allegedly only had the previous season as a reference point. Now, citing Tyler Crispen as a favorite player is not necessarily outlandish for superfans. But for David, he said Tyler was his favorite player because it was the only season he had watched. Big yikes. There’s a reason why Memphis Garrett called him out for his rookie gameplay during Big Brother 22!
9 David Receives the Wrath of a Former Player During His Time on ‘Big Brother 22’
When David Alexander was cast on Big Brother 22, a big part of the fandom was enraged and utterly bewildered, as this was the second official All-Star season in the show’s history. While there certainly were other individuals who could have earned his spot, in the end, it was his game to play. Whether they may have warranted his spot, a vocal part of the Big Brother alumni was enraged by his inclusion because he was wasting his chance because of abysmal gameplay.
Players like James Rhine questioned David’s gameplay, Evel Dick Donato called his game awful, and Big Brother winner Josh Martinez said watching David play was frustrating. During the airing of the season, America was going through turmoil with the aftermath of the George Floyd murder, which caused CBS to start their important diversity casting initiative. While it may not have officially taken effect during the casting of Big Brother 22, Big Brother Canada alumni Ika Wong still called out David’s casting as the “token Black guy.”
8 David Can’t Convince Da’Vonne He’s Telling the Truth
When it comes to Da’Vonne Rogers, her stock as a superb reality show contestant has exceeded her time on Big Brother. While she has more success on shows like The Challenge and The GOAT, it hasn’t stopped her from playing hard in hopes of winning the game that made her. During Big Brother 22, Da’Vonne did everything she could to excel forward while helping out another early evictee out in the process.
But when Da’Vonne threw David a lifeline, multiple times, he couldn’t hang on. Big Brother is a game of deception and truth. There are important ways to maneuver around them. So, when Da’Vonne is literally attempting to have your back, take the opportunity for the help! David’s lack of experience and ability to speak candidly caused Da’Vonne to neglect him and let him hang out to dry completely. As the season continued, his inability to get anyone to believe him caused major ripples in the house. Once again, Da’Vonne, along with her alliance, was unable to trust him and anything he said.
7 David Is Evicted During Triple Eviction Night
When it came to Big Brother Canada, fans were well familiar with the infamous Triple Eviction. Like the Double Eviction, on Triple Eviction night, three houseguests would walk out of the house in the span of a single episode. The first time it ever appeared on the American version of the series was on Big Brother 22.
During Week 8 of the game, the Triple Eviction made its appearance, and David Alexander was a part of history. As the second casualty of the night, David was evicted under Memphis Garrett‘s Head of Household, where he was up against Nicole Franzel. While it was a close vote of 3-2, his weak gameplay couldn’t save him in the end.
6 David Irritates The Committee
The majority alliance during Big Brother 22 was the dominating group known as The Committee. Comprised of eventual winner Cody Calafiore, Nicole Franzel, Dani Briones, Tyler Crispen, Christmas Abbott, and Memphis Garrett, the group nearly walked to the end essentially unscathed. In a game where the majority of alliances make for a boring season, David Alexander had some moments where he spoiled their fun. As we will discuss why his move was terrible momentarily, when David opted to earn money over the Power of Veto, The Committee was irate.
While other players had previously earned money in challenges, when David did so, they were not thrilled. Apparently, if you’re not working with The Committee, you must still follow their rules. With David gunning to take money from their hands, it made it easier on them to watch him walk out of the house when their enemy list was down to him. This was the nail in the coffin, as he had previously wanted to force Dani Briones’ hand during her Head of Household, and he wanted to force her to be the tie-breaker vote between Tyler Crispen and Ian Terry.
5 David Claims $10,000 Over the Veto
Safety is power in Big Brother. If you’re on the block, the typical final chance to save yourself from eviction is to win the Power of Veto. Each season, there is a Power of Veto challenge that will tempt players with prizes and cash on top of the Power of Veto. With some punishments in between, this challenge can often show players’ true colors as well as their objectives.
For David Alexander, perhaps he knew his time on Big Brother was coming to an end because, rather than safety, he had money in his eyes. With his little knowledge of the game, David had not prepared for the OTEV Veto Comp and thus likely knew he had no shot of winning. So, when you know you’re done, take the money and run! And he did! Even though it seemed like a selfish move, David stated to Cody Calafiore that he was donating his earnings to Black Lives Matter. In his exit press, David showed little remorse for his decision, admitting he knew his game was already up.
4 David Loses Camp Comeback Competition
In one of the more head-scratching twists on Big Brother, the first four evicted houseguests had the chance to earn their spot back in the game in a twist known as Camp Comeback. While they were officially evicted from the game and could not partake in the challenges, the Camp Comeback contestants were still granted the opportunity to engage in the social element of Big Brother in the hopes that they would return to play full steam ahead.
David Alexander proved that he had some good reads on the house, but his ability to do anything with them was futile. As the first evicted houseguest of the season, David was stuck in his camper uniform the longest. Despite looking like he had a physical advantage over the other players, when it came to competing, David was quite weak. When the first four evicted houseguests were official, they played a battle back where he lost to Cliff Hogg. Poor David just never got a chance to really play. Sadly, it was all his own doing.
3 David Blows Up Tyler’s Game
Once upon a time, David Alexander noted that Tyler Crispen was his favorite player. Tyler probably didn’t appreciate that when his game was blown up during Big Brother 22. Throughout the game, David and Da’Vonne Rogers were not seeing eye-to-eye. As much as Da’Vonne wanted David to stay around, she saw him more and more as a liability. When David was on the block, Da’Vonne considered flipping the vote to evict him.
How did he know that? His favorite player told him. So, when Bayleigh Dayton had David and Da’Vonne have a sit-down, David spilled the beans of how he learned of Da’Vonne’s plan. Now, Bayleigh and Da’Vonne were infuriated. As was Tyler, who David ran to when he realized the big oopsie he made. With trust being broken within the Slick Six alliance due to David’s incompetence, Tyler and Da’Vonne’s relationship was now in ruin.
2 David Is Banished by the Camp Director and Loses Hit the Road Competition
Big Brother is notorious for having haphazard twists on night one that cause the immediate downfall of a player. Oftentimes, they become legends in the fan community because they didn’t have the opportunity to play the game. When Big Brother 21 rolled around, a terrible twist rocked the game and set the tone of the season. The houseguests elected a “Camp Director” to rule over the house. On their watch, they were forced to banish four houseguests into the Hit the Road Competiton where the loser would be immediately evicted.
Jackson Michie became Camp Director, where he nominated Cliff Hogg, David Alexander, Kemi Fakunie, and Jessica Milagros to play the Hit the Road comp. Well, David Alexander barely had a Big Brother experience as he somehow, shockingly, lost Hit the Road and was sent packing to Camp Comeback. It was such a disappointing display that gave David some honorifics that no other players would ever want.
1 David Plays Like a Rookie on All Stars
Now, at first, David Alexander‘s casting on Big Brother 22 was a moment of shock to many viewers. While it gave hope to future early outs of returning to the game, David Alexander swiftly ruined that trial when he played a rookie game during his second outing. He was the first player ever to cast his first vote to evict in their second season. It’s a cool statistic, but perhaps there was a reason why David was ousted first on Big Brother 21.
With a cast featuring some of the most beloved players and others who fans had been eager to see again after years away, David was a little fish in an ocean of sharks. David played like a rookie, and his fellow All Stars made him know that. Though there had been other alleged drama between the two, when Memphis Garrett called a rookie, it set a fire inside him that David did nothing with. Except take $10,000 over the veto. David’s lack of knowledge in the game caused a frustrating few months of viewing. Sadly, beginner’s luck was not in the cards for David Alexander.