I’d never heard of Darryl Cooper until the last 24 hours, and why would I? However, yesterday, Tucker Carlson had him on his show, and his opinions elicited a now-deleted “Interesting” from Elon Musk, as well as a lot of outrage from the likes of even the most MAGA-ish Republicans. They somehow cannot believe that Carlson would platform a pro-Nazi historian — “the best and most honest popular historian in the United States,” according to Carlson — and I doubt that their objections are with Cooper’s characterization of the Holocaust but rather with the idea that Winston Churchill was the “chief villain” of World War II.
Against my better judgment, I was morbidly curious to hear how Cooper justified Churchill as the chief villain of World War II. I was dumbstruck by how Cooper characterized the war. The short version is this: All Nazi Germany wanted to do, according to Cooper, was invade Poland and increase the size of the German Empire so that it could compete with the British Empire.
That’s it. But it was Churchill — according to Cooper — who decided to declare war. Cooper described Churchill as a “Zionist” “psychopath” and a “drunk” who would get belligerent if people interrupted him while he played with his war toys (and with all due respect, white guys who repeatedly use the word “Zionist” throw up a huge red flag for me).
Once Churchill declared war, Germany was ill-prepared to deal with all of their “political prisoners,” which is what he calls “Jews.” Cooper does not deny the Holocaust, however. He merely claims that the Germans had no plan for their “political prisoners,” conveniently neglecting the whole Final Solution and Hitler’s threat, before the war even started, to annihilate the Jewish race in Europe. There was, in fact, a meticulously designed plan — the Nazis even held a conference to finalize the Final Solution — but Cooper claims that the ill-prepared Germans built all these make-shift camps to house their prisoners.
And why did the Germans kill six million Jews? Because, according to Cooper, they couldn’t afford to feed and house them, so instead of letting them slowly starve to death, the Germans did the “humane” thing and gassed them to death.
In other words, Cooper believes that Germany killed six million Jews as a humanitarian response to the war that Winston Churchill started because he held a grudge against the Germans due to Churchill’s losing effort in the Dardanelles campaign in World War I.
Again, Elon Musk thought the opinions of “the best and most honest popular historian in the United States” were “interesting.” It’s worth noting that Tucker Carlson also muses, on this podcast, that if Churchill was so great and Britain won two world wars against Germany, then why “are their British girls begging for drugs on the streets of London, and London is not majority English right now?”
Tucker Carlson, by the way, spoke at the RNC.