Dancing With The Stars’ Witney Carson Gave Us Her Honest Thoughts About The 500th Episode’s Instant Dance Challenge

Dancing With The Stars‘ 500th episode celebrated the dancing show’s tremendous run going into the Fall TV schedule, and while a lot of it was fun, there was one segment that could’ve been better. I already wrote about how I felt the Instant Dance Challenge was a bold concept, but I thought it wasn’t a great hook for a few reasons. But what about someone who was actually involved, such as DWTS pro Witney Carson?

Carson gracefully waltzed through a conversation with CinemaBlend before preparing for the Season 33 semifinals with her dance partner and former NFL star, Danny Amendola. I knew previously from my conversation with Brandon Armstrong and Chandler Kinney that some were nervous about the Instant Dance Challenge, and she told me how its inclusion may have impacted her performance that night overall, saying:

Well, I’m a very honest person, but I’m also a good sport. So I was happy to play along. I think the show is really evolving and changing all the time. And personally, I felt like there was a big loom over the night. I felt like [with] the competitive dances, I couldn’t put as much focus on that during the week and the night because I was so worried about the instant dances. I think Danny [Amendola] could feel that too. So I felt like we were a little bit off that night because of the instant dances. I don’t know if it was just like an overall energy, but I think it took away from the competitive dances for me personally.

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