Agatha All Along Ending Explained: Is There A Post-Credits Scene?

In the trial, Agatha, Billy, and Jennifer wake up in a morgue – fitting for the trial meant for the Green Witch herself. After Jennifer vanishes from the Road (more on that later), Agatha and Billy are left to find what they were missing. Agatha helps Billy locate Tommy and identify a new body for his soul, and is then left on her own to find a way out of the trial. Using a dandelion seed kept in her locket, she is able to make life from death, ending the trial and depositing her right back at her house where they started.

Rio is, of course, waiting for her in all her spooky, witchy glory and a battle ensues between the two ex-lovers. Billy arrives in full Wiccan garb, allowing Agatha to take some of his power to even the odds. After a touching heart to heart, and brief moment where it seems like maybe Agatha hasn’t changed after all, she makes the seemingly selfless decision to sacrifice herself so that Billy, and therefore Tommy, have a chance at life. In true Agatha fashion, she goes out in the most dramatic way possible – by kissing Rio (finally!). She appears to absorb some of Death’s power in the process, which seems to be what kills her.

What Happened to Nicholas Scratch?

Episode 9 “Maiden, Mother, Crone” begins with a flashback all the way back to 1750 and the birth of Nicholas Scratch. Agatha is alone in the woods, in labor, when she sees Death appear before her, though looking slightly more demure than Rio’s modern day attire. Agatha begs her love to spare her son, and she obliges, for a few years, at least. Rio is only able to give Agatha more time with Nicholas, not stave off his fate entirely.

After six years together wandering and helping his mom feed off the power of other witches, Nicholas is approached by Death, who comes to collect one night while they’re sleeping. It might just be a coincidence that this happens the one time Agatha doesn’t get to steal the power from the witches they’ve swindled, but that also might be how Agatha has convinced Rio to give them this time – by giving her plenty of bodies to take instead.

What Was the Witches’ Road?

During Nicholas and Agatha’s time together, we learn that the Ballad of the Witches’ Road was a song they came up with together. After his death, Agatha used it to trick witches into going out into the middle of nowhere with her so she could steal their powers. It was never a real thing until Billy got involved.

Just like Wanda created the Hex in WandaVision, Billy conjured the Witches’ Road from his imagination. All of the pop-culture references and iconography were because of him, which really does prove that he’s a lot more like his witchy mom than he thinks. He may not have found her at the end of the Road like some fans were hoping for, but this shows that she still lives on through him, in more ways than one.

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