AI helps get aid to uncharted regions of the developing world

In one example, the WorldPop team worked with the African Field Epidemiology Network to understand how many children had not been vaccinated in a region of Katsina State in northern Nigeria.

There were no good maps of the area, so they used the data to plan and execute a door-to-door campaign to follow up with families and make sure that children in the area received routine vaccinations.

Google scientists said they had used poorer quality satellite images, because this was often all that was available in some parts of the world.

However they admitted that meant the maps may have mistakes and limitations.

The AI model relies on cloud-free images to get the best results and these can be difficult in some cloudy climates. Tiny buildings, like informal shacks can also be missed.

A statement from Google said: “Maps are a lifeline to many things we need.

“For people to receive essential services, like electricity and running water, and to be accounted for in crisis response, decision-makers need to first know where they are.

“By creating maps, we can help decision-makers understand the current environment and ensure that everyone is reached.” 

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