Boesak declares 2024 ‘a year of evil’ and calls for justice and renewal

Reverend Allan Boesak, chairperson of the Walter and Albertina Sisulu Foundation for Social Justice, has described 2024 as a year dominated by the reign of evil.

The struggle stalwart also laid into governments — dismissing them as hypocritical and “heartless”. He said there were also reports of civil war in Zimbabwe in his “New Year’s Blessing” message.

“It is by God’s grace only that we may enter this New Year that lies ahead, knowing that so much evil reigned in 2024,” the message reads.

“This year will certainly see ongoing genocide in Gaza and Palestine, continued war in Lebanon, yet unseen misery in Syria, Sudan, Somalia, and the DRC. I am grateful that so many of us, despite the hypocrisy and heartlessness of those who rule us, have remained so faithful in our solidarity, especially with the Palestinian people.

“It is certain that the carnage has not stopped and that the unimaginable evil is still breathing hell and destruction over God’s children there. We will not stop until that evil is no more. That is certain. It is also certain that Southern Africa is a target, with civil war in Mozambique, and rumours of war in Zimbabwe. Our work for peace everywhere on earth must continue.”

The message is peppered with parallels from the bible.

“Again it is certain that the empire is crumbling, even, as the Book of Revelation tells us that as the beast, conquered, falls to the earth, dying, its tail sweeps away a third of the stars, doing as much damage as it can while going down. But this is certain: it is going to perdition. We shall walk among its ruins and know that the judgments of the Lord are altogether just.”

Boesak said SA is set to see “new levels of inequalities and renewed efforts to deepen and cover up the corruption that is such a canker in our body politics”.

“They cannot survive without it. Not for one day. So we shall continue to demand transparency, accountability as well as judgment — on Marikana, Sealed CR17 documents, Phala Phala and Procurement of IPPs, and on everything else that brings us so much shame in our country.”

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