Can You Spot the Owl Perfectly Camouflaged in Its Natural Environment?

Can You Spot the Owl Perfectly Camouflaged in Its Natural Environment?

Can you spot the animals in these photos as they cleverly disguise themselves in their environment?

From peeping giraffes to camouflaged cats, these stunning images show wildlife using their natural camouflage to go unseen in their habitat.

How many can you spot? We’ll start off easy before getting into the real challenge.

Photographer Yensen Tan captured this image of a lurking crocodile as it blends in with the water in Tangerang, Indonesia.

A crocodile camouflaged in the water in Tangerang, Indonesia. (Caters News)
A crocodile camouflaged in the water in Tangerang, Indonesia. (Caters News)

Here’s a bizarre-looking fish that makes a terrifying face in the sand on the ocean floor, as photographed by Will Soo.

The stargazer. (Caters News)
The stargazer. (Caters News)

Varun Aditya caught this giraffe on camera with its head poking through the trees in what looks like an unsuccessful game of hide and seek.

The giraffe is mostly concealed, but its head and tail give away its game of hide and seek! (Caters News)
The giraffe is mostly concealed, but its head and tail give away its game of hide and seek! (Caters News)

Photographer Elmar Weiss snapped a camouflaged leopard stealthily hiding amongst the underbrush to avoid being noticed at Masai Mara, Kenya.

A photo of a camouflaged leopard in tall grass at Masai Mara, Kenya, taken by photographer Elmar Weiss. (Caters News)
A photo of a camouflaged leopard in tall grass at Masai Mara, Kenya, taken by photographer Elmar Weiss. (Caters News)

In this photo taken in Derbyshire, UK, an owl blends in seamlessly with a stone wall, making it very difficult to spot. 

An owl hides on a stone wall making it very difficult to find, in Derbyshire, UK. (Caters News)
An owl hides on a stone wall making it very difficult to find, in Derbyshire, UK. (Caters News)
The owl on a stone wall is revealed in this photo. (Caters News)
The owl on a stone wall is revealed in this photo. (Caters News)

A photo taken by Rob Borovsky shows a great gray owl utilizing its amazing camouflage while perched in a tree perfectly positioned for the hunt. Can you find it?

A great gray owl perfectly camouflaged and poised for the hunt. (Caters News)
A great gray owl perfectly camouflaged and poised for the hunt. (Caters News)
The great gray owl's position is revealed. (Caters News)
The great gray owl’s position is revealed. (Caters News)

This image taken by Bhavya Joshi shows a well-hidden MacQueen’s bustard with its beady eye poking through the plants and leaves. Can you spot it?

A well-hidden MacQueen's bustard. (Caters News)
A well-hidden MacQueen’s bustard. (Caters News)
The MacQueen's bustard's hiding place revealed. (Caters News)
The MacQueen’s bustard’s hiding place revealed. (Caters News)

And last but not least, Steve Fleetwood snapped a hen pheasant hiding in the autumn brown grass in Whitby, North Yorkshire. The hen pheasant is impossible to spot as its brown feathers blend in perfectly with the decaying grass.

Can you spot the hen pheasant in this photo?

A hen pheasant hiding in the autumn grass in Whitby, North Yorkshire. (Caters News)
A hen pheasant hiding in the autumn grass in Whitby, North Yorkshire. (Caters News)
Detail reveals where the hen pheasant was hiding. (Caters News)
Detail reveals where the hen pheasant was hiding. (Caters News)

This gallery of pictures exhibits the natural adaptations of camouflage that animals possess—courtesy of Mother Nature—to go unseen, hunt, hide, and survive in their wild habitats.

Were you able to spot them all?

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