I’m a makeup artist – the popular product mature women should avoid and it’s the reason why you are looking old

THERE are thousands of beauty videos circulating the internet revealing tips and tricks to perfect your makeup look. 

And with so many contradicting experts sharing their hacks, it’s difficult to know which one to follow. 

Makeup artist Rachael Divers has revealed a big beauty mistake that mature women are making


Makeup artist Rachael Divers has revealed a big beauty mistake that mature women are makingCredit: Getty

But when it comes to anti-ageing, one beauty expert claims to know exactly what to do. 

Research by Mintel has found that 10 per cent of UK adults have undergone cosmetic surgery. 

They also found that 37 per cent of women in the UK would consider cosmetic surgery while around 25 per cent of men would also consider a cosmetic treatment.

But Rachael Divers, makeup artist at Face The Future, has revealed that beauty fans can avoid going down the route of invasive cosmetic tweaks if they follow her makeup guide. 

She believes that mature women just need to do a few minor tweaks to their beauty regime – and it will make all the difference. 

Rachael says that makeup is your “best friend” when it comes to achieving a wrinkle free look.

The makeup artists say that beauty fans should start with a “brightening primer that contains moisturising and anti-ageing ingredients.” 

She believes that it will add a “gorgeous glow” and “youthful radiance” to your complexion. 

I make my lips look so juicy and full people think I have filler – it’s my 3-step makeup method, I’m like a Bratz doll

Using a heavy foundation should be avoided, and instead a lightweight concealer could help with anti-ageing. 

She says: “For your base makeup, go for something lightweight and luminous – heavy foundations can settle into fine lines and can look ageing on your skin.”

Rachael advises using a concealer with antioxidant ingredients to reduce under-eye puffiness and dark circles. 

The concealer will help to give a more fresh, rejuvenated appearance, compared to a heavy tired look. 

Biggest beauty mistakes

Fabulous’ Beauty Editor Tara Ledden has shared the do’s and don’ts when it comes to beauty.

“No matter how much time and money you spend on your beauty routine, if you’re not getting the basics right, the rest is wasted.

“There aren’t many non-negotiables, but these are the biggest beauty mistakes sabotaging your regime.”

  • Not wearing SPF: Sun-damage is the main cause of premature skin ageing, so if you want to keep your skin looking plump and glowing, sun cream is vital. 
  • Using expired products: Best case, they’re ineffective and don’t deliver the results they promise, worst case they cause irritation and infection. The shelf life of beauty products differ – for example, mascara is usually good for 3-6 months while lipstick can last for 9-18 months. Check the ‘POA’ symbol on the packaging (it looks like a jar and will have a number inside for how many months it’s safe once opened. If you can’t remember when you opened your product, throw it away and start again, marking the month and year with a permanent marker on the packaging. 
  • Not knowing your undertones: If you’re using make-up with the wrong undertones, it’ll never look natural no matter how much you blend it! An easy trick to work out whether you have cool, warm or neutral undertones is to check the veins on your wrist – if they look blue, you have cool undertones, if they’re green, you have warm and if they’re a mix you have neutral. 
  • Skipping heat protector: It might feel unnecessary, but much like sun damage on the skin, excess heat is the most common cause of hair damage. So, if you want shiny, healthy hair, or you’re trying to grow it longer, using a heat protection product is key. 
  • Not washing your face before bed: it’s as simple as this, if you’re not washing your face before you go to sleep, everything that’s been on your skin during the day is sitting there for even longer, clogging your pores and drying out the surface. Any skincare applied on top isn’t going to be effective with a layer of dirt underneath, and you’re probably going to end up with dirty pillows too – yuck!

Mature when should opt for a “fun pop of colour” in their blusher, which will give the effect of a “youthful flush”.

Add a “sun-drenched glow” by brushing the blush across the cheeks, along with fuller brows and long lashes with volume to really give a “youthful look.” 

It is important to emphasise on the features like your brows and eyes, to add more definition. 

To finish the anti-ageing look, Rachael recommends using a tinted lip balm. 

For your base makeup, go for something lightweight and luminous – heavy foundations can settle into fine lines and can look ageing on your skin

Rachael Divers

By adding a hydrating balm, your lips will be “fuller” and give a “more youthful appearance.” 

She recommends choosing a tinted balm for a bit of colour which is perfect for summer. 

Similar to a heavy foundation, Rachael believes that a heavy lipstick can settle into fine lines exposing the wrinkles more. 

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