In food competition, grandfather picks his own wife as winner over the grandkids

In food competition, grandfather picks his own wife as winner over the grandkids

A woman has taken to the Reddit page, known as “AITA” (Am I the a–hole), to share a “weird” personal drama among family members after a fun food faceoff was not so much fun after all. 

Posting a question, the woman asked others if she was wrong “for calling out my father-in-law when he picked my MIL [mother-in-law] as the winner of a competition over my kids?”

The woman — going by the username “ScaleFlat338” — said on Thursday in her post that her in-laws held a “cooking decorating competition for the grandkids — my two daughters, [ages] 10 and 12, and my nieces, [ages] 12 and 13.”

She said that her mother-in-law also decorated “a cookie.”

While the mother-in-law’s cookie “was very impressive,” the woman posting on Reddit said that she presumed her father-in-law “would pick one of the children as the winner.”

The prize, she said, “was a gift card,” yet her father-in-law “picked my MIL as the winner.”

The woman added, “I could see my girls were upset. [Then] my FIL called my younger daughter a bad sport.”

She said that her mother-in-law (not pictured) also decorated “a cookie.” Drpixel –

So, continued the woman, “I called my FIL out and told him it was weird to pick a grown woman over children and the kids really tried.”

His response was that it was all “just for fun, and I was being silly.”

At the end of it all, the mother-in-law “ended up feeling bad and said the kids could share the gift card.”

Now, the Reddit poster’s husband “thinks I made a scene for no reason” and that the mother-in-law deserved the prize.

So, said the woman sharing her story, was she wrong for what she did?

More than 3,000 people reacted to the post in just a few hours, with more than 700 people posting comments about it.

So, said the woman (not pictured) sharing her story, was she wrong for what she did? lordn –

In the top ranked comment so far, which earned over 8,000 “upvotes,” a poster wrote, “This is the most pathetic thing I think I’ve ever heard. A grown woman needed to beat a bunch of preteens?”

This commenter added, “MIL didn’t specifically say, ‘I’m not in the competition’? FIL didn’t say, ‘This is just for kids’?”

The person continued, “I mean, your daughters should learn to lose gracefully, yes. But I also think they should be empowered to call out obvious bulls—, such as ‘a man awarding his adult wife the prize in a fun competition for kids.’”

Said the same commenter, “Are all your husband’s family dynamics this badly screwed up? Because this is so bizarrely adrift of any normal grandparent/child interaction that I suspect it’s the tip of a massively toxic iceberg.”

Then came a warning to the woman who shared the family story.

“If your husband was brought up thinking this is normal and really believes his mother ‘deserved’ to win a cookie-decorating contest against her tween grandkids, you might want to keep an eye out for future weirdness.”

Another responder summed it up as, “So your FIL and MIL hosted a fun competition for their grandkids, one of the adult hosts decided to join, shocker, was better than the kids — and then FIL decided to make a show out of how much better an adult is at decorating cookies than a kid.”

Then came a warning to the woman (not pictured) who shared the family story. Africa Studio –

This commenter went on, “Was that by any chance some weird lesson your MIL/FIL wanted to teach the kids?”

The person added, “I’m all for teaching kids the value of losing gracefully, but that competition was far removed from fair sportsmanship. If anything, you turned it into a lesson for your kids to call out BS when you see it.”

The same person noted, “There’s a reason adults are generally not allowed in competitions aimed for kids.”

Another person who weighed in on the drama online said, “They should have had a junior category. Now, they just basically bought themselves a present. Which is fine. But maybe don’t do it when you have visitors.”

Fox News Digital reached out to a psychologist for insights. 

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