Moana 2 Is Taking The Popcorn Bucket Craze To The Next Level By Adding New Types Of Merch, And I Need That Nacho Boat

We live in an unprecedented time of theater snack container escalation. It seems that every movie no longer simply needs to sell tickets, they need to sell merch in the theater at the same time. This has largely taken the form of increasingly elaborate popcorn buckets, but now the upcoming Disney movie Moana 2 has taken a step in a new direction. Yes, Moana 2 has a popcorn bucket, but it also has a nacho boat.

The merch lineup for Moana 2, specifically at Regal theaters, has been unveiled (via Pop Crave) and while it includes the now standard popcorn bucket, one that is shaped like a wave that Moana is communing with, one can also buy an outrigger canoe that holds nachos and I need it. Behold…

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