My girlfriend wants my social media log ins to keep an eye on me

DEAR DEIDRE: MY girlfriend wants my social media logins so she can trust me not to cheat.

We’re both 16 years old and met at college. Four months ago I asked her to be my girlfriend. 

It didn’t take long for her to start demanding that I hand over my phone so she could check up on me. 

I was confused, but she told me if I didn’t let her have a look, it would mean she couldn’t trust me.

I’ve stuck to my guns and haven’t once allowed her to go through my texts. I want to have a relationship built on trust. 

However, now she’s accusing me of cheating most days. I’m nearly at my wits end. How do I solve this situation?

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DEIDRE SAYS: Stick to your guns. Your girlfriend shouldn’t be demanding your login and you’re entitled to a private life. 

My support pack ‘Learning to Love’ will be beneficial to you.

If your girlfriend can’t accept that you won’t allow her to go through your phone then I would seriously question whether your relationship has a future.

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