After only having one release in 2024, the 2025 movie schedule has three upcoming Marvel movies on it. While many may be looking forward to seeing Harrison Ford hulk out or excited to see Pedo Pascal join the MCU, Sebastian Stan just got me hyped for Thunderbolts* by, quite surprisingly, comparing the film to an ‘80s classic, The Breakfast Club.
Following his Golden Globe win, Sebastian Stan spoke to Deadline about his return to the role of Bucky Barnes in this summer’s MCU team-up movie Thunderbolts*. The team has been described as Marvel’s version of the Suicide Squad, as a collection of… the term “heroes” is something of a misnomer, are forced to work together. Stan is very high on the dynamic of the team and compares the different characters, and actors, being forced together, to the misfit teens of John Hughes’ classic comedy. Stan said…
I probably would have never considered comparing Thunderbolts* to The Breakfast Club but hearing the comparison, it makes some sense. In the same way that The Breakfast Club brought together five teens who would have never spoken to each other under normal circumstances, Thunderbolts* is the same way: a team of people who aren’t exactly team players.
And while all Marvel movies have a certain amount of humor. Sebastian Stan makes it sound like Thunderbolts* might be an even funnier entry in the franchise, which is another way it will be like The Breakfast Club. The Thunderbolts* trailer certainly shows that this will be a funny movie. It doesn’t look like a straight comedy, but may get closer than any MCU movie before it.
Of course, one way it will be different is that The Breakfast Club didn’t have any exploding cars. Stan continued…
Honestly, now that I’m thinking about Thunderbolts* as The Breakfast Club with superheroes (and also exploding cars) I’m a lot more interested in it. It sounds like it could be a lot of fun. We’ll find out when the Thunderbolts* release date arrives in May.