DWP could introduce new weekly £27 bonus payment for millions on benefits
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has called for changes to the benefits system amid pressure on the new Labour Party government to scrap the two-child limit.
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has called for changes to the benefits system amid pressure on the new Labour Party government to scrap the two-child limit.
Under the Labour government, the Department for Work and Pensions ( DWP ) is planning the biggest assault on disability benefits for a generation.
If the case is successful the decision to withdraw the money from 10 million pensioners could be overturned
You could be sitting on a council tax refund without even knowing it 🏠
Thousands of households are getting extra help with essential living costs 💸
People claiming eight benefits are set to profit
With 2025 well underway, millions continue to look for ways to keep household costs low as new expenses seem to wait around every corner. Household bills, groceries, mortgages and rents….
The National Lotteries Commission (NLC) says it has a contingency plan in place to ensure funding of good causes continues. The commission was commenting on recent media reports regarding the postponement….
A couple are challenging the UK Government’s decision to only give Winter Fuel Payments to pensioners on means-tested benefits
Individuals still on Tax Credits who haven’t applied for Universal Credit are being strongly advised to act now to avoid having their funds stopped in April as the switch won’t….