The Game Of Thrones Scene That Made Fans Throw Out His Book, According To George R.R. Martin

Even though it ended five years ago, to this day, people still talk about Game of Thrones’ most gruesome deaths and shocking moments. From the Battle of the Bastards to the death of Ned Stark to so much more, countless scenes have taken viewers’ breath away or made them exceptionally stressed and/or angry. So, on that topic, George R.R. Martin revealed the moment from the show’s source material that left fans throwing their books away, and let’s just say that when I watched the same scene, I wanted to chuck my TV too.

I’m, of course, talking about The Red Wedding – a GOT moment that truly still shocks most people even though the book it’s in was released in 2000 and the episode that featured it aired over a decade ago. In both the show and the books, the absolute massacre of the Starks took fans by surprise and left them screaming, crying and maybe even throwing up. According to Geroge R.R. Martin, this sequence made readers throw their books too, as he told Rolling Stone in 2014:

In 2000, when the book came out, I got tons of letters from people: ‘I’m so angry with you – I’m never going to read your work again. I threw the book into the fire, then a week later I had to know what happens, so I went out and bought another copy.’ Some people were so horrified that they said they will not read any more of my work. I understand that.

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