The John Wick franchise is is an odd place following the release of the fourth theatrical installment in March 2023. The ending of John Wick: Chapter 4 saw Keanu Reeves’ title character seemingly dying from his wounds, and while there’s still talk about possibly making Chapter 5, for now, this franchise is without its central protagonist. So instead, other corners of this world are being explored, and word’s come in that a post-Chapter 4-set TV show is in the works that will explore the High Table and features an impressive lineup of talent.
Following the events of Chapter 4, John Wick: The High Table sees the criminal organization finding itself in a “tenuous position” due to John’s actions. This will result in new characters looking to make a name for themselves in this new era, while some of the franchise’s established characters will remain “committed to the old-world order.” The series as a whole promises to “combine new and old and thrust the Wick universe into a new age.”
In addition to passing along these plot details, Deadline shared that Keanu Reeves and Chad Stahelski, who directed all the John Wick movies, are executive producing John Wick: The High Table, and Stahelski will also helm the pilot episode. Additionally, Robert Levine, who co-created the Jeff Bridges-led series The Old Man (which can be streamed with a Hulu subscription) is writing The High Table. Stahelski’s involvement comes as part of his duties of overseeing the entire John Wick franchise across film and TV for Lionsgate, and while there are no plans for Reeves to act in The High Table, he’s reportedly “very hands-on with the project.”
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