Walter White Is Known For That Infamous Machine Gun Scene, But Did You Know Bryan Cranston Is Also Good At Nerf Gun Wars?

Through five seasons of Breaking Bad, Bryan Cranston completely shifted from being a beloved comedic actor to one of peak TV’s most celebrated thespians, all thanks to his increasingly more intimidating performance as Walter White. The former chemistry teacher became quite proficient with criminal acts, from cooking up nearly perfect meth to planting explosives to rigging up the show’s infamous “machine gun in the trunk of the Cadillac” contraption.

So yeah, Walter White certainly knows a thing or two about machine guns — even if series creator Vince Gilligan has publicly regretted its inclusion — but not everyone might be aware that Bryan Cranston himself is apparently known to get into a Nerf gun war on occasion. At least whenever he’s invited to, as it went on the set of Modern Family whenever the Emmy-winning actor popped by the ABC sitcom to offer up his directing talents.

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