What’s your prized pop culture-related possession?

I’ve never felt cooler in my life than the time I stood guard at the entrance to a run-down alley outside a club in Cambridge, MA, watching for the cops as Jeff Rosenstock spraypainted a t-shirt for me. After a Bomb The Music Industry! show in 2012, I picked up a t-shirt at the merch table, and Jeff was hanging around nearby, chatting and signing things. I’d heard that he’d spray a design on your shirt if you asked, but I probably wouldn’t have worked up the courage on my own. Luckily, I was with two good friends who were a lot bolder than me, and we all approached him to see if he was willing to customize our shirts. He was a little nervous about it, said he’d had trouble with the cops at a few of the other stops on the tour, but he still grabbed some red and orange paint cans from under the merch table and ushered us out a side door into the alley. It was December in Massachusetts, which means it was absolutely freezing, and Jeff wasn’t wearing a jacket, but he didn’t complain about the cold. Instead, he just told us to keep an eye out while he painted. The street was deserted and Jeff worked fast; just a few minutes later, he handed me my shirt, on which he’d written “BTMI PUNX.” To this day, it’s probably the most punk thing I own. [Jen Lennon]

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